To maximise the efficiency of the available energy savings, it is of critical importance to optimise pressure bands when controlling multiple machines. This can be easily achieved by incorporating one of our ES control systems into your compressed air network.
You can select multiple set pressures, sequence selection, equalise wear across all machines, and reduce energy consumption across all operating conditions.
ES 6 in control
The ES 6 is a stand-alone central control system that regulates the net pressure within programmable limits by starting and stopping, loading and unloading (in case of fixed speed compressors) or controlling the speed (in case of VSD compressors) of the connected compressors according to programmed algorithms.
• two up to six compressors – within a common air net – can be
• controls both fixed speed compressors as well as frequency
converter driven compressors (VSD)
• fixed speed Atlas Copco compressors may have any Elektronikon®
regulator or may be pressure switch controlled
• VSD compressors must have Elektronikon® regulator of the 4th or
5th generation
• competitor VSD compressor can be started and stopped by the ES 6
via digital contacts
• the status of each connected compressor can be checked on the
graphical color display
• all operating parameters are accessible through the menu
ES 16: the latest generation of central controller
With our new advanced central controller, you will generate energy savings by:
• Regulating the system pressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band to optimize energy efficiency.
• Prioritizing the use of newer and/or more economic machines over older, less effective versions.
• Promoting the use of VSD machines, because they are the most energy efficient.
• Scheduling shutdown to avoid costs during non-production hours.
• Equalizing workload to avoid overloads on individual machines.
• Reducing maintenance costs thanks to comprehensive, flexible machine sequence control. The ES 16 system ensures that system running hours are equal across all common machine types in the same group. As a result all machines can be visited at the same time, requiring fewer service visits.
• Getting your critical data logged and traced up to one week of history.
ES 360 takes control
Efficient compressor management is the fastest way to achieve energy savings. Using advanced control systems, you can maximize energy savings by:
• Regulating the system pressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band to optimize energy efficiency.
• Prioritizing the use of never and/or more economic machines over older, less effective versions.
• Promoting the use of VSD machines, because they are the most energy efficient.
• Assuring that multiple VSD compressors are used in their most efficient performance zones when working together.
• Scheduling shutdown to avoid costs during non-production hours.
• Equalizing workload to avoid overloads on individual machines.
• Reducing maintenance costs thanks to comprehensive, flexible machine sequence control. The ES 360 system ensures that system running hours are equal across all machines in the same group. As a result all machines can be visited at the same time, requiring fewer service visits.
Elektronikon Upgrade
Upgrades take advantage of the most recent computer technology and of the progress in sophisticated compressor control software. These upgrades increase the reliability and availability of your equipment. Furthermore, upgrading your compressor system will result in substantial energy savings, while the cost will in most cases be equivalent to or even less than a replacement of older control systems.
The Elektronikon® controller is at the height of technology in sophisticated compressor control software. An upgrade will improve the overall reliability and uptime of your equipment, and extend connectivity to modern plant control systems.